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Personalized Fitness




Everyone can learn from a personal trainer! Let one of our certified professionals teach, train, help break through plateaus, correct bad habits and motivate you to the next level!


Are you ready to drop a few pounds; learn a new sport; race faster; improve fitness for the upcoming school year; or just get in better shape? If so, you’re ready for Scott’s unique and proven personalized approach to training!  To sum it up for world class athletes, weekend warriors and couch potatoes looking to move: “train smarter, not longer” and “don’t just do it, do it right!”

Executive Fitness Testimonials

At age six, Scott starting playing in team and individual sports! Growing up in Dallas, he competed in tennis and golf, as well as participating in team sports. After earning six varsity collegiate letters in baseball and basketball, Scott smoothly transitioned to competing in triathlons for more than 30 years.

Since 1983, Scott and his team of coaches and trainers have assisted thousands of kids; hundreds of athletes; and scores of busy professionals; young and not so young, achieve their goals. As an adult athlete, Scott has completed more than 300 triathlons and 18 full marathons. He qualified and completed the prestigious Hawaiian Ironman triathlon; six USTA National Triathlon championships; and the Boston Marathon. Scott is a member of TASA, IDEA, AFFA, and ACE. He has been certified from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) as a personal trainer since 1992 and as a certified spinning instructor from Schwinn since 1996. From the American Red Cross, he has earned certification as a water safety instructor,  U.S. Masters Swim Coach Levels 1 and 2, CPR certified through the American Red Cross . Scott is a graduate of Austin College.

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